reqsign 0.0.1

Signing API requests without effort.


Signing API requests without effort.

Most API is simple. But they could be complicated when they are hidden from complex abstraction. reqsign bring the simple API back: build, sign, send.

Quick Start

use reqsign::services::aws::v4::Signer;
use reqwest::{Client, Request, Url};
use anyhow::Result;

async fn main() -> Result<()>{
    // Signer will load region and credentials from environment by default.
    let signer = Signer::builder().service("s3").build().await?;
    // Construct request
    let url = Url::parse( "")?;
    let mut req = reqwest::Request::new(http::Method::GET, url);
    // Signing request with Signer
    signer.sign(&mut req).await?;
    // Sending already signed request.
    let resp = Client::new().execute(req).await?;
    println!("resp got status: {}", resp.status());


  • Pure rust with minimal dependencies.
  • Test again official SDK and services.


Inspired a lot from aws-sigv4.